How to play #FlappyBird for #Commodore64 on your #Mac #OSX

Download free and open source VirtualC64 Commodore 64 emulator by Dirk W. Hoffmann.

As soon as you open VirtualC64 you need to download and drag these file on the main window:
- kernal.901227-03.bin from firmware page
- characters.901225-01.bin from firmware page
- basic.901226-01.bin from firmware page
- 1541-II.355640-01.bin from drivers page
Download FlappyBird.prg from (via Daringfireball)
Drag FlappyBird.prg on VirtualC64 window and click on Flash file into memory and enjoy your addictive game.
Remember to click on Port A icon on the toolbar of VirtualC64 to use space bar or arrows on your keyboard.