FOSS Directory - Office/Editing

Ready to install binary packages for MacOS X. (Universal/PPC/x86)

office.png Office/Editing graphic.png Graphic audio.png Audio video.png Video
netwww.png Net/www devapp.png Dev/Util game.png Games
• (U) = Universal binaries • (PPC) = PowerPC • (x86) = Intel

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ic_neooffice.jpg NeoOffice Office software funded entirely by donations from users. (PPC/x86)
ic_libreoffice2.png LibreOffice Personal productivity suite. (PPC/x86)
ic_openoffice3.jpg (X11)
Free Templates
Free office suite. (PPC/x86)
ic_ooo4kids.jpg OOo4Kids for kids. (PPC/x86)
ic_abiword.jpg AbiWord Word processing program similar to Microsoft®; Word. (PPC)
ic_fountainpen.jpg FountainPen Simple distraction-free writing program. (U)
ic_bean.jpg Bean Small, easy-to-use word processor. (U)
ic_smultron.jpg Smultron Easy and quick Cocoa text editor - replaced by Fraise. (U)
ic_fraise.jpg Fraise Powerful lightweight editor. (U)
ic_pdfsam.png PDFsam Basic Split and merge tool for PDF documents (U)
ic_brackets.png Brackets Code editor for web designers and front-end developers. (x86)
ic_textmate.jpg TextMate Powerful text editor for expert scripters and novice users. (x86)
ic_kod.jpg Kod Programmers' editor. (x86)
ic_komodo.jpg Komodo Edit Feature-rich editor for JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl. (x86)
ic_gedit.jpg gedit The official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. (U)
ic_typewriter.jpg Typewriter Minimal Text Editor. (U)
ic_focuswriter.jpg FocusWriter Fullscreen, distraction-free word processor. (U)
ic_macdown.png MacDown Markdown editor for OS X (x86)
ic_marp.png Marp Markdown presentation writer (x86)
ic_calibre.jpg Calibre eBook manager and ePub converter. (U)
ic_sigil.jpg Sigil ePub - eBook editor. (U)
ic_fbreader.jpg FBReader (OSX download) eBook reader. (PPC/x86)
ic_djvu.png DjVuLibre DjVu library and reader. (x86)
ic_hexfiend.jpg Hex Fiend Hex editor. (U)
ic_celtx.jpg Celtx Screenwriting & production breakdown. (U)
ic_janusnote.jpg Janus Notes A note-taking program for OS X and iOS that seriously respects your right of privacy. (x86-iOS)
ic_standardnotes.png Standard Notes Standard notes app with an un-standard focus on longevity, portability, and privacy. (x86-iOS)
ic_notationalvelocity.jpg Notational Velocity Stores and retrieves notes. (U)
ic_macnotex.png macNotex Manage a file of strongly encrypted textual notes. (x86)
ic_skim.jpg Skim PDF Reader and note-taker. (U)
ic_jedit.jpg jEdit Programmer's text editor. (PPC)
ic_jext.jpg Jext Code editor. (PPC)
ic_editra.jpg Editra Developer's text editor. (U)
ic_ace.jpg ACE Collaborative text editor. (PPC)
ic_books.jpg Books Personal library management tool. (U)
ic_aquamacs.jpg Aquamacs Emacs text editor. (U)
ic_joust.jpg Joust Simple and powerful HTML editor. (PPC)
ic_lyxmac.jpg LyX/Mac WYSIWYM document processor. (PPC/x86)
ic_texshop.jpg TeXShop TeX previewer. (U)
ic_texmaker.jpg Texmaker LaTeX editor. (U)
ic_texmakerx.jpg TexMakerX Create and manage LaTeX documents. (x86)
ic_itexmac.jpg iTexMac teTeX front end, TeX editor, PDF viewer. (U)
ic_tkbibtex.jpg AquaTkbibtex Editor and browser for BibTeX files (LaTeX bibliographies) . (U)
ic_formulatepro.jpg FormulatePro Overlay text and graphics on PDF documents for filling out forms. (U)
ic_shoka.jpg Shoka PDF library management. (U)
ic_magicnumbermachine.jpg Magic Number Machine Graphic scientific calculator. (U)
ic_pagepacker.jpg PagePacker Makes pocket-sized books. (U)
ic_pordible.jpg PorDiBle Text/Palm DOC converter. (U)
ic_omegat.jpg OmegaT Translation memory tool. (U)
ic_gnucash.jpg GnuCash Financial Manager Application. (x86)


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