FOSS Directory - Net/www

Ready to install binary packages for MacOS X. (Universal/PPC/x86)

office.png Office/Editing graphic.png Graphic audio.png Audio video.png Video
netwww.png Net/www devapp.png Dev/Util game.png Games
• (U) = Universal binaries • (PPC) = PowerPC • (x86) = Intel

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Browser | Mail | RSS/News reader | Mastodon | Twitter | Instant Message | IRC clients | FTP, SFTP & p2p | Torrent | VNC | Utility
ic_mozilla.jpg Mozilla The all-in-one open source Internet application suite. (PPC)
ic_firefox.jpg Firefox Award winning next generation browser is a sign of things to come from Mozilla.
Powerful yet easy to use. Perfect for those who live on the cutting edge!
ic_brave.png Brave Faster and safer browser with ads block. (x86)
ic_white.jpg FX Mac Community Builds Optimized builds for Mac OS X. (PPC/x86)
ic_camino.jpg Camino Web browser optimized for Mac OS X with a Cocoa user interface, and powerful Gecko layout engine. (U)
ic_chromium49.png Chromium FreeSMUG build Safer, faster, and more stable internet browser. (x86)
ic_flock.jpg Flock Social web browser. (U)
ic_seamonkey.jpg SeaMonkey Web-browser, advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editing. (U)
ic_sunrise.jpg Sunrise Browser Browser for web developers. (U)
ic_shiira.jpg Shiira Browser with Tab Exposé. (U)
ic_paparazzi.jpg Paparazzi Screenshots of webpages utility. (U)
ic_iPhoney.jpg iPhoney iPhone web browsing environment. (U)
ic_prism.jpg Prism Web application browser. (U)
ic_glimmerblocker.png GlimmerBlocker Ad-blocker for Safari. (U)
Mail ^
ic_thunderbird.jpg Thunderbird An e-mail and newsgroup client with powerful, new junk mail controls. (U)
ic_gnumail.jpg The complete and fast mail application for GNUstep and Mac OS X. (PPC)
ic_correo.jpg Correo Mail client. (U)
RSS/News reader ^
ic_rssowl.jpg RSSOwl A Newsreader for everyone. (U)
ic_vienna.jpg Vienna RSS/Atom newsreader. (U)
ic_blogbridge.jpg BlogBridge RSS & blog aggregation system. (PPC)
ic_safari2opml.jpg Safari2OPML Export Safari RSS to OPML file. (U)
Mastodon ^
ic_hyperspace.png Hyperspace Desktop Mastodon client. (U)
ic_sengi.png Sengi Mastodon and Pleroma desktop client. (U)
ic_thedesk.png TheDesk Mastodon client. (U)
ic_whalebird.png Whalebird Mastodon, Pleroma, and Misskey client. (U)
Twitter ^
ic_natsulion.jpg NatsuLion Twitter client. (U)
ic_canary.jpg Canary Twitter client. (U)
ic_aviansafari.jpg AvianSafari Twitter bar for Safari. (x86)
Instant Message ^
ic_adiumx.jpg Adium Multiple protocol instant messaging client. (U)
ic_proteus.jpg Proteus Multiple protocol instant messaging client. (U)
ic_fire.jpg Fire Multi-protocol internet Instant Messaging client. (U)
ic_instantbird.png Instantbird Instant messenger based on Mozilla technologies and Pidgin. (x86)
ic_psi.jpg Psi Instant messaging for the Jabber IM network (including Google Talk). (U)
ic_coccinella.jpg Coccinella Jabber and GTalk IM client with witheboard. (U)
ic_spark.jpg Spark Jabber IM client. (U)
ic_sipcommunicator.jpg Jitsi Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. (Was Sip Communicator) (U)
ic_voicechatter.jpg Voice Chatter Voice communication. (x86)
IRC client ^
ic_colloquy.jpg Colloquy IRC & SILC client. (U)
ic_xchataqua.jpg X-Chat Aqua A MacOS X IRC client. (U)
ic_xchatazure.png X-Chat Aqua/Azure IRC client native front-end for xchat2. (U)
ic_irissix.jpg Irssix Snappy IRC client for Mac OS X. (PPC)
ic_jircii.jpg jIRCii Internet Relay Chat client. (PPC)
ic_newspeak.jpg Newspeak Cocoa IRC client for Mac OS X. (U)
ic_limechat.jpg LimeChat IRC client written on RubyCocoa. (U)
FTP, SFTP & p2p ^
ic_fugu.jpg Fugu A Mac OS X SFTP, SCP and SSH Frontend. (U)
ic_cyberduck.jpg Cyberduck FTP and SFTP Browser for Mac OS X. (U)
ic_onebuttonftp.jpg OneButton FTP Graphical FTP client. (U)
ic_filezilla.png FileZilla FTP, SFTP and FTPS client. (PPC/x86)
ic_mucommander.jpg muCommander Cross-platform file manager. (U)
ic_pureftpd.jpg PureFTPd Manager Secure FTP made easy. (PPC)
ic_cabos.jpg Cabos File sharing program. (PPC)
ic_acqlite.jpg Aqlite Gnutella file sharing program. (U)
ic_frostwire.jpg FrostWire Client for the Gnutella network. (U)
ic_shakespeer.jpg Shakespeer A DC++ compatible Direct Connect client. (U)
Torrent ^
ic_bittorrent.jpg BitTorrent Cooperative distribution file solution.
ic_azureus.jpg Azureus (U)
ic_tomatotorrent.jpg Tomato torrent (U)
ic_transmission.jpg Transmission (U)
ic_clutch.png Clutch WebUI for the Transmission daemon. (U)
ic_bitrocket.jpg BitRocket (U)
ic_qbittorrent.png qBittorrent Based on Qt4 toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar. (x86)
ic_btpd-front.jpg btpd-front (U)
ic_bittyrant.jpg BitTyrant (U)
ic_webtorrent.png WebTorrent Desktop Streaming torrent app (x86)
ic_tvshows.jpg TVShows TV Shows download. (U)
ic_ted.jpg ted Torrent episode downloader (U)
ic_tribler.jpg Tribler Filesharing p2p. (U)
ic_lh-abc.jpg LH-ABC Mod of ABC BitTorrent Client. (U)
ic_torrentdam.jpg TorrentDam Torrent files search utility. (U)
ic_white.jpg VNC Virtual Network Computing Cross-platform remote control. (PPC/U)
ic_vncosxvnc.jpg OSXvnc
ic_sharemydesktop_icon.jpg Share My Desktop
ic_cotvnc.jpg Chicken Of The VNC
ic_vncchicken.jpg VNCviewer
ic_vncthingicon.png VNCThing
ic_vncdimension.jpg VNCDimension Download
ic_sharedappvnc.jpg SharedAppVNC VNC protocol for window sharing. (U)
ic_cord.jpg CoRD Remote desktop client servers using the rdp protocol. (U)
ic_vncthumbnailviewer.jpg VNC Thumbnail Viewer Computer lab monitoring software using VNC. (U)
Utility ^
ic_cocoalicious.jpg Cocoalicious A Cocoa Client for Mac OS X. (U)
ic_gdisk.jpg GDisk Turns GMail account into a portable hard drive. (U)
ic_packetgarden.jpg Packet Garden Grow a world from network traffic. (PPC)
ic_uplogo.jpg Up! Blog photo uploader. (U)
likewiseopen.jpg Likewise Open Authenticate with Active Directory. (PPC/x86)
ic_calaboration.jpg Calaboration Utility to configure Google Calendar as CalDAV calendars in iCal. (U)
ic_istumble.jpg iStumbler Wireless discovery tool. (U)
ic_ireshark.jpg Wireshark Network protocol analyzer. (PPC/x86)
ic_packetpeeper.jpg Packet Peeper Network protocol analyzer. (U)
ic_s3browser.jpg S3 Browser Administration tool for the Amazon S3 data storage service. (U)


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