FOSS Directory - Graphic

Ready to install binary packages for MacOS X. (Universal/PPC/x86)

office.png Office/Editing graphic.png Graphic audio.png Audio video.png Video
netwww.png Net/www devapp.png Dev/Util game.png Games
• (U) = Universal binaries • (PPC) = PowerPC • (x86) = Intel

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ic_gimponosx.jpg GimpOnOSX Gimp on Mac OS X 10.9.0+ (x86)
ic_darwingimp.jpg Gimp GIMP for the Mac. (PPC/x86)
ic_macgimp.png A binary distribution of the GNU Image Manipulation Program for Mac OS X. (x86)
ic_seashore.jpg Seashore Cocoa port of The Gimp. (U)
ic_paintbrush.png Paintbrush Bitmap Image Editor. (U)
ic_krita.png Krita Sketching and painting program. (x86)
ic_photoflow.png PhotoFlow Non-destructive photo retouching. (x86)
ic_darktable.png darktable Photography workflow application and RAW developer. (x86)
ic_rawtherapee.png RawTherapee Raw image processing program. (x86)
ic_luminance.png Luminance HDR Workflow for HDR imaging. (x86)
ic_hdrmerge.png HDRMerge HDR raw exposure merging. (x86)
ic_inkscape.jpg Inkscape Scalable Vector Graphics editor. (U)
ic_synfigstudio.png Synfig Studio 2D animation software. (x86)
ic_tupi.png Tupi 2D vector-based animation software. (x86)
ic_drawberry.jpg DrawBerry Simple vector drawing app. (U)
ic_scribus.jpg Scribus Desktop publishing software. (PPC)
ic_bluemarine.jpg blueMarine Digital photo workflow. (U)
ic_hugin.jpg Hugin Panorama photo stitcher. (U)
ic_pencil.jpg Pencil Traditional animation software. (PPC)
ic_pixen.jpg Pixen Pixel editor. (U)
ic_drawpile.png Drawpile Collaborative drawing program to sketch on the same canvas simultaneously. (x86)
ic_img2icns.jpg Img2icns Icon Converter tool. (U)
ic_novoicons.jpg NovoIcons Extracts icons from applications, folders. (U)
ic_screentolayers.png ScreenToLayers Capture your screen as a layered PSD files. (U)
ic_blender.jpg Blender 3D Software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering,
post-production, interactive creation and playback.
ic_aoi.jpg Art of Illusion 3D modelling and rendering studio. (PPC)
ic_sweethome3d.jpg Sweet Home 3D 3D interior desing. (U)
ic-brlcad.jpg BRL-CAD Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system. (PPC)
ic_freecad.png FreeCAD Parametric 3D CAD modeler. (x86)
ic_openscad.png OpenSCAD Solid 3D CAD Modeller. (x86)
ic_antimony.png Antimony Computer-aided design (CAD) tool from a parallel universe. (x86)
ic_librecad.png LibreCad Feature-packed and mature 2D-CAD (x86)
ic_kicad.png KiCad Electronics Design Automation (EDA) suite. (x86)
ic_imagej.jpg NIH ImageJ Image Processing and Analysis. (PPC)
ic_lightzone.png LightZone Digital darkroom software. (x86)
ic_fiji.jpg Fiji ImageJ with lots of enhanced and extra features. (U)
ic_bluegriffon.jpg BlueGriffon A WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. (x86)
ic_nvu.jpg Nvu A complete Web Authoring System. HTML wysiwyg editor. (PPC)
ic_kompozer.jpg KompoZer Nvu's unofficial bug-fix release. (PPC)
ic_grass.jpg GRASS-GIS Geographic Resources Analysis Support System. (PPC)
ic_osirix.jpg OsiriX Medical Imaging Software. (U)
ic_cenon.jpg Cenon Vector drawing program. (U)
ic_geogebra.png GeoGebra Mathematics software for learning and teaching. (U)
ic_kd3surf.jpg K3DSurf Mathematical models visualizer. (PPC)
ic_axel.jpg Axel Algebraic geometric modeler. (PPC/x86)
ic_xaos.jpg XaoS Mandelbrot fractals zoomer. (U)
ic_albumshaper.jpg Album Shaper Photo organizer, editor and web gallery generator. (PPC)
ic_cocoaslideshow.jpg CocoaSlideShow Simple, fast image viewer. (U)
ic_imageplay.jpg ImagePlay Easy image effects. (PPC)
ic_imageoptim.png ImageOptim Optimizes images utility. (x86)
ic_imagealpha.png ImageAlpha PNG files optimizer (including alpha transparency) utility. (x86)
ic_breve.jpg Breve 3d Simulation Environment for Multi-Agent Simulations and Artificial Life. (U)
ic_gardensketch.jpg GardenSketch Plan and lay out a garden or landscape. (U)
ic_valentina.png Valentina Pattern drafting software tool. (x86)
ic_hexcolorpicker.jpg Hex Color Picker Hex color picker extra tab in the system-wide color panel. (U)
ic_simplecomic.jpg SimpleComic Comic viewer. (U)
ic_oxidizer.jpg Oxidizer Fractal flame editor. (U)
ic_nodebox.jpg NodeBox Create 2D visuals using Python programming code. (U)
ic_infinitecanvas.jpg InfiniteCanvas Arranging and displaying infinite canvas comics. (U)
ic_fontforge.png FontForge Outline font editor. (PPC/x86)
ic_birdfont.png BirdFont Font editor for TTF, EOT & SVG fonts. (x86)
ic_visigami.jpg Visigami Image search and screen-saver. (U)
ic_mobilia.jpg Mobilia Software per l'arredamento (furniture software). (U)


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