Cacaoweb added to FreeSMUG directory #OSX
by CGand 12 Jan 2011 13:11

Cacaoweb, free software to watch, share and host videos and files online with no limits
added to Video directory. (read more…)
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FSuiteCD 1101 released
by CGand 11 Jan 2011 22:36
OSX FOSS collection. Download high quality Free and Open Source Software with one click. (read more…)
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Why I am a #Camino fan
by CGand 23 Dec 2010 07:26
During this days I read rants about Firefox or Safari crash. Main argument of Gruber Going Flash-Free is that Safari is more stable. I also try this solution but during one month I've experienced more crash than during last years.
I don't remember when I start using Camino Browser, 2004 or 2006, perhaps before; I remeber Chimera project when I did a little contibution to Italian translation. (read more…)
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Portable #Chromium #OSX 8.0.552.231 r1.0 released
by CGand 21 Dec 2010 14:50

Portable Chromium is the Chromium web browser packaged as portable application so you can take your bookmarks, extensions, history and cookies with you. (read more…)
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#Chromium #OSX stable FreeSMUG build released
by CGand 21 Dec 2010 10:40

Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. (read more…)
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Time to invite old #OSX FreeSMUG members
by CGand 18 Dec 2010 21:07
I'm sending invitations to all old 1000+ FreeSMUG members to join our new website hosted here.
Invitation text has a limit to 1000 characters so I've to shorten it.
You are receiving this invitation because you are a registered member of
FreeSMUG - the Free OpenSource Software Mac User Group.We have been online since the 1st of May 2004 but our old hosting will be
no longer available. While we will completely migrate all our 150+ pages to our
new website, we are unable to migrate registered members
and so we ask that you reregister using mission is to spread free and open source software usage and we
would appreciate it very much if you join us again, share your
experience and help our community. Any suggestions are welcome. Forums,
news and page editing will be available in the "wiki" style.Over the years 1000+ members have registered, about 1000 visits have
been received each day, 300+ open source applications have been listed,
600.000+ portable Mac OS X applications have been downloaded and FSuite
CD has been downloaded 43.500 times. As official torrent tracker NeoOffice
has been downloaded about 230.000 times.We have just released the latest versions of Portable Camino and
Portable VLC and we are working on a new Portable Chromium and FSuite CD
release. We do not ask for donations but please help support our work by
clicking on the little ad banner.Get updated following (read more…)
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Portable VLC #OSX 1.1.5 r3.0 released
by CGand 14 Dec 2010 10:23

Portable VLC OS X is the binary distribution of the VLC video stream and multimedia palyer for Mac OS X packaged as portable application so you can take your preferences with you. (read more…)
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FreeSMUG site migration complete #OSX
by CGand 13 Dec 2010 23:30

All old video pages are migrated to our new site video pages.
All tutorials, Richard Stallmman 2004 conference in Milano, Linux World Expò 2004/2005 in Milano, Conf 2006 in Lyon and NeoOffice event 2008 in Milan videos are till available.
FreeSMUG videos are now hosted by Vimeo and (read more…)
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Portable Camino 2.0.6 r3.0 released
by CGand 11 Dec 2010 01:00

Portable Camino is the Camino web browser packaged as portable application so you can take your bookmarks, extensions, history and cookies with you. (read more…)
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Tutorials migration complete #OSX
by CGand 30 Nov 2010 11:33
All old tutorial pages are migrated to our new site tutorial pages.
About a dozen of tutorials whose most viewed were about
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FanControl added to FreeSMUG directory #OSX
by CGand 26 Nov 2010 08:26

FanControl, fan preference pane utility added to Dev/Utils directory. (read more…)
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DNS migration
by CGand 24 Nov 2010 01:28
Today DNS point to wikidot site. Old Plone site is available here (read more…)
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Hello World!
by CGand 14 Nov 2010 17:40
This is the first blog post on new FreeSMUG site hosted by As stated here we are working during these days to migrate as much content as possible from previous site. Today we have added blog post and forum pages to make the site full function. (read more…)
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